Settings.WebPackage Replaytype in UFT
If you’re reading this blog post, probably you might have written an automation script but some of the steps are
Dictionary Object in UFT
A dictionary object in UFT is very much similar to an array. Unlike an array index, there is a unique
Find a Matching Pattern in a String Using Regular Expression uft
The regular expression or RegEx is a very powerful tool to find a matching pattern of string in a given
Regular Expression in Object Identification UFT
A regular expression is a special string that describes a search pattern of characters. The abbreviation for regular expression is
File System Object (FSO)-uft
The File System Object (FSO) object model provides an easy object-based model for working with folders and files. The FSO
Every application consists of different objects like Button, Text Boxes, Radio buttons, and drop-downs, etc. UFT has a very strong
Descriptive Programming in UFT
Whenever UFT records any action on any object of an application, it adds some description on how to recognize that
Virtual Object in UFT
A virtual object in UFT is used to identify an object when UFT can't recognize it using objects standard class.UFT
Visual Relation Identifier uft
When testing is carried out with multiple identical objects, UFT assigns an ordinal identifier to each test Object. However, this
UFT Data Table
Likewise, Microsoft Excel testers can read input data dynamically at runtime from UFT DataTable to parametrize input fields. Datatable in
UFT Overview
Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is an advanced and powerful tool to do functional as well as regression test automation for a