All You Need to Know about Checkpoints In UFT

As the name suggests, Checkpoints in UFT are a validation point that compares the current value of specified properties or the current state of an object with the expected value. If the current and expected value matches it reports a Pass status else it will report it as Fail status in UFT Test Result. Checkpoints can be inserted at any in step the script.

You can add all types of checkpoints to a Test at the time of the recording session. All checkpoints are not enabled if the script is not in the recording mode. However, there are few checkpoints like Database Checkpoint, XML Checkpoint, and File Content Checkpoint that can even be added without recording sessions.

Types of Checkpoints in UFT

There are various types of checkpoints available in UFT/QTP. We will get to know about each of them.

Standard Checkpoint

It verifies the expected values of object properties captured during recording to the object’s property values during a run session. Standard Checkpoint is not just one checkpoint. It gives a provision to validate all sorts of properties of an object. Using standard Checkpoint you can also add the following checkpoints

  • Image Checkpoint
  • Table Checkpoint
  • Page Checkpoint

To know more about how to add Standard Checkpoint please refer to my post Add Checkpoints in UFT.

Image Checkpoint

It enables you to check properties like the source file location of a web image.  Unlike Bitmap Checkpoint you can not check pixels(bitmaps) using image checkpoint. To know more about how to add Image Checkpoint please refer to my post Add Checkpoints in UFT.

Table Checkpoint

It verifies the values available in a table. It does not support all kinds of environments. You can also skip a cell value if you do not want to be considered as part of the table checkpoint. To know more about how to add Table Checkpoint please refer to my post Add Checkpoints in UFT.

Page Checkpoint

It verifies the characteristics of a Web page. It can also check all broken links on a page. To know more about how to add Page Checkpoint please refer to my post Add Page Checkpoint in UFT.

Bitmap Checkpoint

It verifies an area of your application as a bitmap. You can select the entire page of the application or an area of an application. It does a pixel by pixel comparison between actual and expected images. You can also define percentage tolerance for RGB Color variance that can vary from machine to machine. If you want to learn more about Bitmap Checkpoint please refer to my post Discussing Bitmap Checkpoint In-Depth UFT.

Text Checkpoint

It verifies whether the required text is displaying within a defined area in the application. To know more about Text Checkpoint in detail please refer to my post Text Checkpoint and Text Area Checkpoint in UFT.

Text Area Checkpoint

It verifies whether the text value is displayed within a defined area in an application according to the specified criteria.

Accessibility Checkpoint

It verifies whether the areas of the Website that may not conform to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. You can add automatic accessibility checkpoints to each page in your test, or you can add individual accessibility checkpoints to individual pages or frames.

Database Checkpoint

It verifies the contents of a database accessed by the application under test.

File Content Checkpoint

It verifies the text in a dynamically generated or accessed file such as .txt,.pdf. If you want to learn more about the File Content checkpoint please refer to my post File Content Checkpoint | PDF File Validation in UFT.

XML Checkpoint

Verifies the content of the .xml documents or .xml documents in Web pages and frames.

Inserting a Checkpoint in UFT

You can add checkpoints at any step in your Test during the recording session. You can go to “Design> Checkpoints> Existing Checkpoint” and select the required checkpoint that you want to add.
Checkpoints In UFT
I have added a Table Checkpoint for HP Mercury Tour Sample application Select Flight page.

Adding the checkpoints itself a detailed topic. I would write my next post on adding frequently used Checkpoint

Maintaining Checkpoint Properties

If you open the object repository window, all the add checkpoints will be displayed. You can select the required checkpoint and do the necessary changes.
You can also open the Checkpoint Properties window to view or maintain checkpoint properties by doing a right-click exactly on the keyword ‘checkpoint‘ on the step where the checkpoint has been added and select the Checkpoint Properties option.

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